November came and went before I could blink three times. No Joke. I don't even know where it went. I already posted about the most exciting November event for our family. The birth of our nephew Jack. November 2nd Darcy and Adam had their baby boy and he is the first boy grandchild on Trav's side of the family. The girls love him and love to look at his pictures.
So we went to Rexburg the weekend following Jack's birth to meet Jack. Grandpa John and Grandma Barb were there. We also got to meet Skyler's girlfriend and Randee and Richard came up from Utah, too. We were just missing John and Dana's family. It was fun to have mostly everyone together. And I am sure Christmas will be a blast.
THEN on November 13th we headed down to Albuquerque to visit my dad and crew down there. My younger sister Maria lives there, so we got to see her, too. YAY!!
The girls had a BLAST with Rachel's daughters, Taryn and April and it was so nice to have people around to entertain the girls! Wish we had Taryn and April around more. Dad let me have his ticket to the BYU vs UNM football game so Travis and I went to the game on Saturday and it was a terrible game. I mean...I suppose a win is a win. But that game should never have been close. The New Mexico fans sure loved it though. They said it was the best game for them all season. (OBVIOUSLY). We visited an aquarium while there and ate out a few times. Rachel made breakfast a couple times and it was just a nice break away from home. Dad and Rachel have a gorgeous home and it was fun to be able to visit. Also, Riley fell down their stairs and scraped her nose pretty good. It has since healed fine. I can barely see the scar.

The night before we left to come home from New Mexico I got a message on my facebook account asking if I still wanted the tickets I had won to see a prescreening of New Moon. UM! I had entered this drawing weeks ago and never went back to the page to see who the winners were. can imagine my surprise! The movie was being release just two nights from when I got this message. And I won two tickets to the screening at 8pm 4 hours BEFORE it was being released. And I was ecstatic to say the least. What a treat! I hadn't been able to get midnight showing tickets so I just figured we would be seeing it whenever we could, sometime in the first few days it was out. Now I was getting to see it FREE and EARLY! So, on Thursday night, November 19th, Travis and I went to the New Moon prescreening and LOVED IT! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU ELE and KID to KID in American Fork/Lehi.
NEXT was Thanksgiving. Skyler had an entire week off of school at BYU-Idaho for fall break or something so he spent 10 days here in Utah. It was fun to have him here. He watched the girls a few times for us. We got to go to the BYU vs Air Force game in Provo. Thank you, Johnny for the ticket! So I got to go to two BYU football games in a row, one away and one at home and it was fun. Even despite the cold :)
Thanksgiving day was a success. The food was delish and it was our little family plus Skyler, Randee, and Richard.
That night Travis decided he was going to partake in the madness that is BLACK FRIDAY at BEST BUY. A week or two leading up to Black Friday, we found a steal of a deal on a desktop package and for several MONTHS now I have been wanting a desktop. We haven't had one for years as we have used laptops but those things won't last forever. And with me starting my massage practice, I needed something reliable to keep records on. (AND to blog, too....but mostly for business reasons, of course!)
So Travis left here shortly after 5pm on Thanksgiving day to set up a tent and camp out at Best Buy (which wasn't opening until 5am). I went over and hung out with him for about two hours in the middle of his time there. Too cold for me. But man, people are NUTS! There were about 20 tents lined up when i headed home after midnight. And Travis was about halfway back. At 4 am Best Buy employees started handing out tickets to people in line for their big ticket items. The ads had said each store would have a minimum of 6 of the deal we wanted. That made me nervous. What if he camped out all night and didn't even get it? Well, by the time they got to Travis in line, they had given out tickets for TEN of what we wanted. Thankfully our store here was well stocked. They had 18. Whew. So the waiting in line paid off and we now have a beautiful new computer. With a large monitor that I love! YAY! We also did a little more shopping on Black Friday. Including online at Toys R Us. It was the most we had ever participated in the craziness and it was rewarding to get great deals!
Then we got out the Christmas stuff and put of the tree. And let the girls "help" decorate it. Sorry no pictures. Not that exciting. It looks the same as is did last year, you can check my archives from last December if you'd like.
And then November was over.
And now here we are in December and things will not slow down. We have Isabelle's birthday on the 10th, Travis having a surgery on his wrist on the 18th, and then Christmas in Coeur d'Alene and my birthday at the end of the month. Is it 2010 yet?? I need a break! *Wishful thinking*
PS for those of you who miss the sleep pictures that used to be a frequent topic on here, I think it should be noted that in November, Isabelle fell asleep in one of the girls toys baskets :)
1 comment:
How is that comfortable for her in that basket? She must have been way tired!!!
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