Wednesday, September 12, 2012

So close

...and so yet so far.  The house is almost done. But there is a massive list of things yet to be done. Carpeting, garage door, stain the deck, appliances, screens on the windows, window sills, electrical needs turned on, breaker stuff (I think), kitchen sink, gutters, shutters, sprinklers, landscaping, front porch/step railings, ceiling fan in great room, TONS OF TOUCH UPS, pedestal sink in the half bath, and LOTS and LOTS of clean up.  I am probably forgetting a number of other things also. But really....we are so close. It still doesn't feel real.

We are supposed to close in 16 days. We will see if that happens on time! And then the moving. OH! I hate moving! And unpacking! And organizing! We are practically hoarders it feels and looks like!  It might take forever to set up house and make it home. But we have this vision of getting it done quickly. (YEAH RIGHT!) We still have so many unknowns.  We definitely do not have enough furniture to furnish the place at this point. I am toying with the idea of just letting the formal living room be a toy/play room for now...Travis thinks I am nuts because that is what everyone will see when they walk in. I say who cares! They know kids live here! Let there be a designated space for the mess and let it be there instead of the main living space or the bedrooms.  Though I go back and forth on this so I don't know what will happen.  Thoughts? Opinions? I need help!

Also, we have bought a lot of stuff (furniture, mostly) from Ikea over the last couple months. And we intend to buy the budget allows...and we have a lot to put together. It is going to take forever. I am exhausted thinking about it. But in about two months...when I am enjoying the holidays in my  eating Thanksgiving dinner in that beautiful new kitchen at that beautiful new dining set (NOT FROM IKEA) will all have been worth it. The stress. The tears. Oh...and the no extra money in the monthly budget thing, too...yeah. I am pretty sure it will all be worth it.  Because I get my own walk-in closet!

It's okay if you want to punch me in the face or hate me for a little while. I totally understand.